The induction programme for freshers for the academic year 2024 -25 got underway on 17th september 2024 at 10.30 am at the textile technology block. Inhis address to the students the chief guest Shri Sachin Patil, Secretary, RTE society Hulkoti asked the students to be aware and curious about the latest technology and to learn softwares that are game changers in the industry.

Dr V M Patil, Principal ,REC,Hulkoti spoke on the regulations of the university and welcomed the freshers to the institution.The other dignitaries on the dias were Dr M D Harlapur ,Co ordinator IQAC , Dr L R Somangoudar, Dean Academics, Dr Krishna Gurlhosur, HOD Science and Humanities and shri Satish j Head, Civil dept.
The Engineers day was also celebrated as part of the event and the portrait of Sir M Vishweshwaih ,was garlanded.
Mr S S Sadamal,welcomed the gathered ,Miss Aishwarya introduced the guests and Dr Krishna G proposed the vote of thanks .The event was well anchored by Mrs Rekha Hebsur
Later a session on the importance of soft skills was held by S S Sadamal and followed by group sports.